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Car Sequence (demo)

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-03-06 23:03:00
5 просмотров
the tutorial. So, I thought it may be nice to show you the start of my driving sequence. This version is about the first 25% of it and I\'ve since completed about 40%. To be sure, you can\'t drive the car, but I don\'t want to spoil it so have a look. Hope you enjoy it and input would be nice. It will be featured in a level I\'m working on. Vrrrroooommm! ---------------- Installation: ---------------- Drop the PK4 into your \'base\' folder; call up the console and enter \'map car1\'.
I prepared this pak to show you guys my driving sequence and originally I wanted to include it in a tutorial. I\'ve been sick and school is really heavy so I\'m not sure when I\'ll be able to write
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