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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2005-06-13 22:06:00
13 просмотров
these into a test mod for me to see if they could be used in the EOC mod. You are about to download a Beta version of that mod, many features aren't finished while others need further testing. Please post your gameplay experiences! Have fun with the Ultimate Mod Test Release! ------------- Features: ------------- - Added night vision. - Added force field/shield (The shield is dynamic and non-stationary as it acts as a personal shield for its wearer. Lasts half a minute then needs two minutes of recharging). - Added a marine buddy. - Added texture optimizations to many creatures, weapons and architectual textures. - Added 3 new weapons and made many weapon optimizations. - Added a balanced 'flare' system, many zombies will carry flashlights that drop flare ammo. To use a flare simply press the fire button while holding the flashlight. Flares will selfdestruct after a short amount of time. - Added many, many gameplay tweaks for faster gameplay. ------------------------------------------------- Weaponry Changes/New Weapons: ------------------------------------------------- - Hands/Fists: [i]Upgraded texture resolution.[/i] - Pistol: [i]New model/animations. Instead of carrying 1 pistol, you now carry two. Twice the damage and speed, twice the ammo usage.. very powerful, twice the reload time.[/i] - Shotgun: [i]Upgraded speed and spread.[/i] - Machine gun: [i]New sounds, upgraded speed and spread.[/i] - Chaingun: [i]Upgraded speed, sounds.[/i] - Grenades: [i]Grenades now spread into six projectiles (Great kudos to: The Clusternade mod).[/i] - Plasma gun: [i]Customised weapon that uses combined nanotechnology and BFG technology to feed medical support back to its user.[/i] - Rocket launcher: [i]Increased damage.[/i] - Plasma hands: [i]Due to plasma poisening and as a side effect of having the soul cube, you can now control small amounts of plasma merely by concentrating.[/i] - Flares: [i]Throw them with your flashlight selected.[/i] - Gravity gun: [i]See [file="32525"]my gravity gun mod.[/file][/i] - Railgun: [i]Fires mini-BFG projectiles extreme speeds. Projectiles travel so fast they are nearly invisible to the naked eye.[/i] ------------------ Known bugs: ------------------ - Some monster skins are too bright, working on that. - There's no way yet to pick up the new weaponry in game. I am working on that in the form of new scripts and such for the current maps.
In the months I've been working on [url="http://www.planetdoom.com/edgeofchaos"]the Hexen: Edge of Chaos mod[/url] I have tested out many new techniques. After several months of work, I've put all of
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