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Doom III
Graphical Tweaks
Chromatic Dispersion Special FX

Chromatic Dispersion Special FX

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-12-14 23:12:00
7 просмотров
tweak your graphics in such a way, that new aspects are brought into the Doom cyber-universe, essentially, it will make some changes to the heat haze fragment programs, or pixel shaders, in order to simulate the effects of [i]chromatic dispersion[/i]; If you're not sure what this is, then read on: [i]"It's the faint rainbow-y effect you get whenever light is bent somehow, usually through glass and the like. Drastic changes in air temperature also fiddle with how light gets absorbed, which is why you get that 'bendy' effect above a fire and the reasoning behind bullet trails in those kinds of movies/games. Anyways, as you may have learned in physics classes, (if you've taken them) not all wavelengths/colors are bent the same way. In fact, the different bands kind of fan out, resulting in the rainbow effect."[/i] This mod is definately worth the price of a free download if you're in the market for a new twist on a graphical tweak for this game, Chromatic Dispersion Special FX delivers some extraordinary visual eye candy that will change the face of your gaming experience! Refer to the readme for more information.
TheRealSceneGraphManager got a little bored, and instead of letting his idle hands get him into trouble, he chose to put them to work for the benefit of the [b]Doom3[/b] community! This mod will
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