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Enhanced Gore 3

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-13 23:03:00
12 просмотров
know-how into it and improved it so that it has surpassed it\'s former state! Some of you may remember [file=\"30993\"]Enhanced Gore 3 (final)[/file], originally developed by Tets, and some of you may remember that it had some small bugs as well as one [u]big[/u] bug that prevented players from loading any saved game...well, the good news is that these have been fixed, along with a few other minor issues. Some of the fixes included are:[/b] Flash Time on all weapons fixed. Textures & models for LostSoul, for decals and particles fixed (both .DDS & .TGA textures). Clip size increassed for Chaingun weapon to 120. Fixed start screen, now it runs for both compressed and uncompressed textures. Increassed damage on shotgun. Fixed HUD GUI, now it shows NPC names. And more Enhanced Gore 3 (v3.1 | Final FIXED) is not a reworked mod, and you\'ll notice that it does not carry the [b]\"NG\"[/b] tag, this is because the essence of this mod has not been changed, it is as it was when it was originally released...it\'s just fixed now. Dafama2K7 has stated that he may do more at a later time and add to this mod, but for now, this is just a \'fixed\' version. Refer to the readme for additional information.
Dafama2K7 is back, and he is here to once again make your Doom III gaming experience better! ...How is he going to do that? Glad you asked; He has taken a great mod, and put some time, talent and
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