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NG Shaders Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-07 22:04:00
8 просмотров
important bugs to all shaders ! This package is comprised of...: NG shaders - In the past i use and consider this as my first and foremost standard shaders. Now, a NEW Parallax without artifacts have been added as standard. Brilliant Highlights mod shaders - Now, this are the shaders i use as standard, sure a 2009 actual good look shaders. This surely are the best shaders never made. Fixed an odd bug introduced by me that added very bad looking shadows !!! Now, a NEW Parallax without artifacts have been added as standard. Brilliant Highlights alternative style mod shaders - Not as good as the BHNGMod shaders, but i wanted to at least make the surely the last version of this shaders, this are a shaders that looks like playing Quake II with IdTech4 (D3) engine, very rusty and metallic. Now, a NEW Parallax without artifacts have been added as standard.
NEW Shaders Mod Pack for Doom 3, Quake 4, E.T.Q.W., Prey & Riddick EFBB v3.1 FULL...: Latest info. (6-4-2k9)...: I have added a new ambientlight.vfp and fixed a couple of small, but
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