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Self Shadows for IdTech4

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-04-19 22:04:00
11 просмотров
simply Self Shadows for all textures and models, now also its all the same but DYNAMIC, so it means that not only self shadows, but also i have update it so the colours for both shadowed or unshadowed environment, objects, models, textures, all this are dynamical changed depending on your Point of View, really, i have tested and works 100% on D3, ROE, Q4 and Prey with NO need for any change, also i have made a version for Enemy Territory Quake Wars that is amazing, but well this is another mod i will upload on another place, by now, common, try this great Graphics Enhancement small MOD, NOW !!! A small mod that adds a NEW feature; SELF SHADOWS, on generic ambientlights.vfp glprogram Shader to enhance all the textures and models of all IdTech4 based games, like Doom 3, ROE, Quake 4 and even Prey.
Self Shadows for IdTech4 v2.0 by Dafama (18-4-2kX) 100% compatible with Doom 3, Roe, Quake 4 and Prey. NEW...: This small mod is version 2 now and it is because now improves much more than
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