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Добавил: The DSystem
2005-04-23 22:04:00
12 просмотров
computers are shown from the sideview. Both fighters automatically orient themselves to face each other (similarly as in some 3D fighting games). The standard key bindings are as follows: W: forward S: step back A: sidestep left D: sidestep right J: punch K: crouch (blocks a standard high punch) L: jump N: block Note to developers: I don't have the skills to generate additional animations to include more actions, such as kicks etc. At the current stage, custom animations can be integrated very easily. Please let me know, if you are willing and capable of making custom animations. I would be more than happy to extend the current state of the engine to include additional capabilities. Have fun playing the game. ----------------------------- Changes [file="40995"]since v0.1:[/file] ----------------------------- - Combos: -- left-back-right-punch: plasma bolt -- front-back-front-left-punch: bfg bolt -- left-back-left-right: teleport - Blocking: simple punches can be blocked, bolts cannot be blocked - Complete rewrite of the engine to allow integration of custom animations/moves. Everything, from simple punches, projectile attacks and combos is defined by key/ref pairs in the entityDef player_doommarine_mp (found in the mp.def file).
DoomFighter is a little concept game that simulates the "look-and-feel" of classic fighting games in the doom3 engine. The fighters, which are default doom marines controlled from client and server
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