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Добавил: The DSystem
2005-09-10 22:09:00
14 просмотров
from complete, untested and probably won't run like you'd want it to. -------------------- New Features: -------------------- - ported to Doom3 v1.3. - modified mainmenu with the opencoop logo. - added new custom map. - added synchronsation for "replay" guis, like those in mars_city1. - framecommands can now be called serverside only using the flag svOnly. - added preaching of clip/tracemodels with the key/value pair "toclipmodel" "1". - added sys.getClosestPlayer( vector position ), for getting the closest nonspectating player. - added script command startNetSndShader for entities to play sound shaders via network. - added script command setNetShader for setting shader parameters via network. - mars_city1, mc_underground, mars_city2 and admin are now opencoop compatible. - reduced the network traffic for ai characters. - godmode works in multiplayer now. - notarget works in multiplayer now. - Damagescale in gamemode "coop" is now like singleplayer. - Added a new gamemode "coop". - Spawns can be enabled/disabled using the script commands enable()/disable() - Multiple guis from an entity can now be synchronised. - triggerFirst Key/Value for barrels added. If set, barrels must be triggered before the can explode. - Teleporters can now teleport multiple players if they have teleporters as targets. - If you talk with an AI character the chat icons is displayed above your head. - new script command for sys: sys.getskill returns the current skill level which is usefull for creating skill specific events/monsters actions - new script command for sys: You can check how many nonspectating players are currently playing by using sys.numPlayers() - new script command for info_locations: You can check how many nonspectating players are currently in a location using $info_location_XXX.numPlayers(). - added info_player_coop as a spawnspot for cooperative games. - Clientside smoothing of monstermovement. The mod also includes the SP map [file="36536"]Final Key.[/file] -------- Links: -------- - [url="http://lms.d3files.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=598"]Install Instructions[/url] - [url="http://lms.d3files.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=597"]FAQ[/url] - [url="http://lms.d3files.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=596"]Bugs and Features List[/url]
OpenCoop is a cooperative based mod for Doom 3. It aims to provide the feel of the original single player maps in multiplayer. The current version you have is a beta version. This means it is far
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