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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2005-09-10 22:09:00
19 просмотров
modifying the maps was, that they should be 'as close to singleplayer as possible'. With Klonsemann's map modifications we clearly archived this task. Now you are able to play from mars to hell and back in one game, making it a great co-op experience. [i]OpenCoop is now playable under Linux.[/i] [i]Audio fixes:[/i] Air sounds and various other looping sounds are now disappearing correctly. The intro music is now playing on the client and the sentry weapons sounds are now playing on the client as well. [i]Hud fixes:[/i] The radio button is now displayed as long as the radio sound plays. The audio log button now disappears correctly when an audio log is finished. When picking up security cards they get displayed on the hud correctly. Also we improved the quality of the objective images. Most of them are displayed correctly on the client now. [i]In-game graphics:[/i] The outside areas at the monorail level aren't black anymore. (thanks Brian) We fixed the bug where serveral outside areas on the client weren't visible to the client. The security cameras are working now in multiplayer aswell. (There is only one camera display per PVS supported) Debris of exploding barrels is displayed on the client aswell. All health stations are now working correctly. [i]Fixed physics:[/i] We fixed a bug with the physics not being properly synced, which caused the monorail and it's driver apear laggy. Now the monorail is running as smooth as in single player. Also there was a bug which caused rotating items which were binded to a master not beiing able to respawn properly. Security cameras are now falling to the floor correctly. This was a bug which occured in single player as well. [i]General enhancements:[/i] The console command 'noclip' is now working in multiplayer. The fov may be changed in multiplayer if cheats are enabled. We modified g_skill 4 and 5 ( uberHard and pureEvil ) to make it a bit harder when more players are on the server. For g_skill 5 team damage is always enabled. The soulcube is not available by default in uberHard and pureEvil anymore. In nightmare the soulcube returns health correctly now. We disabled the console variables 'g_dragEntity' and 'g_editEntityMode' for multiplayer. The demonic influence affects all players now. Previously only one player was affected. Also we added the new console variable 'g_dropGibs' which allows disabling gibs as well as barrel debris. This makes internet gaming smoother. The coop teleporter now allows teleporting more than two players without telefragging. ------------ Support: ------------ OpenCoop - F.A.Q. http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~opencoop/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5 OpenCoop - Install instructions http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~opencoop/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4 OpenCoop 1.0 - New features and bugfixes http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~opencoop/forum/viewtopic.php?t=58 Opencoop 1.0 - Report the bugs you encountered! http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~opencoop/forum/viewtopic.php?t=60
-------------- Changes: -------------- [i]All maps are now ready for co-operative gameplay![/i] Our fellow team membmer Klonsemann did a great job and modified them all! The constraint for
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