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Crucifix of Shit

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-06-27 22:06:00
9 просмотров
it's not quite as "robust and full-flavoured" as the actual mod ([i]ed. unreleased, [url="http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=9247"]see this thread),[/url][/i] rather it enhances the original "Daikatana 2" and renews the love we all have for good design and solid gameplay. [b]See John Romero and Fatty like never before![/b] ------------------- Testimonies: ------------------- [b]Renzatic:[/b] "Brain Trepaning, I'm not afraid to say that I think you're the greatest person to have ever lived....EVER! Your mod will bring the universe together in a way Wyld Stallions never could." [b]Brain Trepaning:[/b] "Scientists the world over have tried to find it, Creationists have done their best to be blind to it, but the riddle is now so close to being solved, there can no longer be any denying it: this mod will once and for all prove the existence of GUD, aka the "Grand Unifying Daikatana". I believe our work has paved the way for a new truth to soon reveal itself to all..." [b]Gazado:[/b] "That was so damn funny , I was cracking up so much with the seseme street music , then I walked behind the bus and fell on the floor laughing (well not THAT bad but you get the picture). I havnt had so much fun playing a FPS in such a long time. Well done people" [b]Goblin:[/b] "Very fun game...best final boss ever. I also like the extra level you added in there..you rule Brian." [b]modern:[/b] "My brain has imploded, and my internal organs have sprouted limbs and run away. My arse is now in control!" [b]Get Your FREE Copy Now![/b]
The "Daikatana 2: John Romero's Quest for GUD" Doom 3 Daikatana(tm) TC Mod's expansion pack "Crucifix of Shit" is finished, it's scary. Remember, this is a stand-alone expansion pack to the mod, so
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