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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2005-03-07 23:03:00
14 просмотров
capacities. Then I decided to make Double, the mod that doubles damages with lots of optional features. This mod can be played in single and multiplayer modes, but most of the modifications are only enabled in single mode. I hope you will have fun with my mod as I have fun to made it. ------------- Features: ------------- |- Display new interface |- Exchange walk and run |- 200 max for health and armor |- Crosshair removed but hud is not hide |- Double specular factor and map effects |- Double damage of pistol, shutgun, machinegun, chaingun, plasmagun, rocket launcher and bfg. Second effects are applied to counterbalance |- Double damage of turrets, zombies (pistol, shield, shotgun and machinegun) and demons (hell knight, imp, mancumbus, revenant and cacodemon) |- Add flame effects around non|-flying monsters because theirs souls are burning |- Add recall spawn effect when demons are dying |- Cacodemon can spawn lostsouls like Pain elemental in Doom2 |- Zombie can respawn if its corpse is not immedialely destroyed |- Player can hear strange sounds and can temporary lost the control of his weapon if he does not move |- Monsters can aleatory spawn |- [b](new)[/b] Demons walk and run twice faster |- [b](new)[/b] Visual effects and damages of the flames around monsters are upgraded |- [b](new)[/b] Monsters can health regen |- [b](new)[/b] News sounds for demons and weapons |- [b](new)[/b] News skins for demons and weapons
When I began this mod, I was only interested to change two things: a more realistic shotgun feature and no crosshair. After few days, I saw I can make more, much more ... because of the Doom3 engine
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