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Escape from Deimos

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-08-01 22:08:00
11 просмотров
allows the marine to carry additional medkits and other items. ------------- Storyline: ------------- You are a marine sent to investigate a strange signal coming from a facility near the Deimos Lab complex. As you and your comrades arrive at the area, you are quickly ambushed by a unknown force. Your comrades drop like flies and you quickly run out of firepower, leaving you with just a pistol. You escape the attack only to find yourself alone and defenseless. You must escape and find a way to return back to headquarters and warn UAC about the invasion or die trying. ------------- Features: ------------- This mod has three new controls for the inventory. You can set the keys though the main menu. Go to options>control>inventory. The inventory will be displayed on the lower right of the player's hud. You are only allowed to carry three items at a time. When picking up medkits, they are automatically stored if the player's health is equal or above 100%. Otherwise the player uses the medkit when he picks it up. Other items can be customized to be stored in the carry inventory. You can use the cursor to select what item is in the inventory slot. Another feature is a improved monster reaction AI. Monsters will no longer attack its own kind if its rank is higher than the other. Instead monsters will attack its own kind if it gets hit by a monster, regardless of its rank. Monsters of the same type/class will not respond. ------------ Remark: ------------ This mod does not support Mac and Unix versions of Doom3. Please read "important.txt" for more information.
Escape from Deimos is a eight-map expansion mod for Doom3 and each map that I make will be released individually. Other features in the mod includes new monters, and a carry inventory system that
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