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Pistol Speed Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-07 22:08:00
5 просмотров
pistol making it shoot realistically faster. Installation: Extract the pak005.pk4 to your Doom 3 \"base\" folder. If there is a file named pak005.pk4 already rename the mod .pk4 to the next number (ex pak006.pk4). Then load up Doom 3 and enjoy. Removal: Simply delete the pak005.pk4 file and your pistol will be back to normal. Notes: If you have a saved game halfway through the level you will automatically restart at the beginning, as it is with every mod you install. If you delete the .pk4 u will begin where you were.
The pistol in Doom3, lowly but effective. I always have a problem with game characters and their inability to shoot over 1 round a second with their pistols. This mod halves the fire rate of the
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