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Doom III
Single Player
True Survival + PK-Sound mods

True Survival + PK-Sound mods

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-04-20 22:04:00
12 просмотров
Survival v1.0 and below originally created by The Rogue Wolf (rogue_wolf@hotmail.com) *** ===================================== NEW UPDATES by Dafama: v1.2...: - Fixed bugs. - Lowered Imps too powerful. - Pinkyes and other medium sized demons can now pass throgh doors. - Overall enhancement, smart demons, fixed RocketLauncher weapon. - Added optional GFX shaders enhancement, including better Self Shadows v2.1 v1.1...: - Added better Muzzleflash for all weapons with casting shadows, FEAR style. - ETQW Zoom style with some weapons offset changed. - Long melee distances for many demons and zombies. - Many bug fixes and internal enhancements. - New sounds from PK-Sound mod v2.0 by Slade_EXE where added by me (Dafama), the idea of this was by Paul (PiceofPieSoftware). ===================================== PK Sound mod v2.0 by Slade_EXE Hello there, my name is Slade EXE and this is the PK sound mod. First off, the mod has only changes 5 things: -The boss in the level CPU Boss, demonic voice -The Sarge taunts in both CPU levels, demonicmetalic voice -The marine's voices at the start of the Enpro level, edited and made it sound like they have helmets on them -Cooling Rod sound effect, added alarm sound from Quake 4, stereo echo -Betruger's voice in the Hell level, demonic voice Later on I will add to this mod, but for now you have this to use. Installation: Open up the zip file and drag the sound folder into your Doom 3 base folder. Requierments: Nothing, works with all curent patches. The Rights: -You are allowed to modify this mod but if you want to make it public, send it to me. -Permision is needed if you add this to a mod of your own. Email: slade_exe@yahoo.ca
Doom 3: True Survival mod v1.2 updated by Dafama2k7 + PK Sound mod v2.0 by Slade_EXE *** Doom 3: True Survival updated from v1.1 and up by Dafama2k7 (dafama2k7@gmail.com) Doom 3: True
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