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Doom III
Alice's DOOM Enhancements

Alice's DOOM Enhancements

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-05-28 22:05:00
7 просмотров
Project Brian V014). The idea is to add little enhancements that basically should've been in the game to begin with but still keep the Doom3 experience that ID intended. Both mods that I used gave permission in their respective notes files that their content can be used as long as they are credited. All changes are credited to the original mod they came from. Also see my notes at the end of the readme. -------------- Changes: -------------- -Increased dynamic lighting for muzzleflashes for all weapons. (Lights up about 10 ft.) (Project Brian) [i]Shotgun:[/i] -Increased the kickback of the shotgun by 5x. The enemies now fly back about 10ft when killed with it. (Project Brian) -Increased the shotgun damage slightly. (Project Brian) -Shotgun loads only one shell at a time as per the reload animation instead of seeing one shell loaded but having 2-at-a-time appear in the gun. Shotgun basically takes twice as long to reload. Done for realism. (Alice) [i]Machinegun:[/i] -Added a small light on the gun. Cannot be turned off. I felt that a futuristic assault rifle would come with some kind of tactical light so I took this directly out of the DuctTape mod. The light has a small beam so it definitely does not replace the flashlight. It just helps you keep track of what you are shooting at. (Duct Tape mod) [i]Chaingun:[/i] -Increased the clip size for the Chaingun from 60 to 200. (Project Brian) Quote: "60 just didn't seem to justify a "chain"." [i]Grenades:[/i] -Halved the bounciness of the grenades so they don't act like a "superfunball." (Project Brian) [i]BFG:[/i] -explosion now has dynamic lighting that would brighten up a warehouse as it should. (Before it didn't brighten at all.) (Project Brian). [i]Plasmagun:[/i] -Added a blue aura eminating from the Plasma Rifle extending about 5ft. (Project Brian)
This mod is a compilation of a couple of different mods to make subtle changes to Doom 3 for single player. I simply took bits and peices out of other mods and combined them together (mostly
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