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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Doom 3 Realism Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-12 22:08:00
10 просмотров
most doing more damage... [QUOTE]I am also upgrading the way most of the weapons fire (This is the year 2145, you know). The most noticeable change in this first release is the rate of fire of the machine gun (around 30 rounds per second)! I was very dissapointed with the original machine gun because it lacked the power and fire rate that one would expect from a weapon made that far in the future.... As time goes on, I plan on adding new sounds, new weapons, and grately improving apon the AI of the enemies (this will need to be done to componsate for the more powerfull weapons). Most of this might have to wait for the release of the SDK... I have already done the coding for the double barrelled (Super Shotgun) found in doom 2, but have not been able to get it to work in game...It keeps crashing when I load it. I am completely open for suggestions from the community when making this mod. I realise that there are many perceptions of the word \"Realism\" And I plan on making all futur versions based on what the community has suggested and asked for... I would also be interested in getting help from other coders, and am in need of a moddeller/skinner (Two things i can\'t do). If you are interested in helping, please e-mail me at: Cody_B64@hotmail.com[/QUOTE]
This mod aims at making Doom3 a more realistic (and hopefully more injoyable) experience. I am trying to improve realim by making the weapons more powerfull, Some enemies stronger, some weaker, and
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