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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Doom3 Realisim Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-11 22:08:00
20 просмотров
slower rate of fire... -Shotgun insanely powerfull (C\'mon, a Military isued shotgun in the year 2145 should at least be more advanced than what we have now) Spread has been reduced... -Machinegun slightly stronger, and has an insane rate of fire (about 30 rps)... Has a 99 round clip....bullets spread alot more though, making it ideal for close quarter combat... -Plasma Rifel now fires much faster, and has a slight spread... -Grenade isn\'t so bouncy... -Rocket Launcher more powerfull.... -BFG slightly stronger.... -Chainsaw stronger... -Fists MUCH Weaker... -Flashlight MUCH weaker... -Chaingun...A little stronger...I\'ve decided to let the community help me decide what else to do with it... -Imp is now is stronger (does more damage) and should make an attempt to dodge your gunshots more often.... -muzzle flashes have been tinkered with, and most explosions make much bigger flashes...[/quote] Good for those of you that thought that the weapons were based around today\'s standards, and that they should be upgraded.
This is a weapon mod that basically makes every weapon much stronger, due to the fact that is 150 years in the future. Changes include: [quote]-pistol much more powerful...Has smaller clip and
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