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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Real Guns Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-12 22:08:00
6 просмотров
it. Shotgun: somewhat stronger, more projectiles, spread decreased, rate of fire increased, it now holds 10 shells instead of 8, the reloading is faster and a flashlight attached to it as well, but i did not make it to strong it is balanced out perfectly. Machinegun: stronger, rate of fire increased, it no longer shoots in short bursts, but the clip was decreased to 30 shots instead of 60, i made it so the longer you hold down the trigger the worse the accurcy gets but it doesn\'t get real bad the spread on it was 2 normaly but i changed it to 3 but if you hold the trigger down longer than 3 secs it goes to 4. Chaingun: a little stronger VERY LITTLE but the Rate Of Fire was increased, it FIRES EXTREMLY FAST, it\'s just a little less accurate than before. Handgrenades: it doesn\'t bounce around every where when you throw it, it bounces once or twice and thats it, and the explosion radius is a little bigger, and the damage was increased a little. Plasmagun: No Changes yet Rocketlauncher: damage increased a little and explosion radius a little bigger. BFG: No Changes Yet Chainsaw: No Changes Yet SoulCube: NONE
This mod makes the guns in Doom 3 more realistic. Flashlight: it\'s now a more like a lantern. The Pistol: is now stronger, Rate of Fire Increased, a 15 shot clip, and a flashlight attached to
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