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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Scary Realism Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-16 22:08:00
7 просмотров
gun with an actual barrel and gave it 10 gauge 00 shells and I made the guns a little better to use in a firefight. I changed the speed on the rotation of the chaingun and updated the clip size to 80 for a bit more realism. I also changed the machinegun damage and made it have a clip size of a real p90, changed gibbing so bullets don't gib, including fists of fury, and the maglite of chaos... I made the chainsaw revs faster, made the imps jump faster for more effect and it should scare the piss out of ya'.
I made this just to make myself happy with the guns and the magical double shell reloading with the shotgun!?! I got that fix from the shotgun mod but modified it to make it seem a little more like a
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