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Refueling Station (RoE Edition)

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-05-10 00:05:00
11 просмотров
valuable materials such as fuel and plasma. You are a lone marine who survived the attack and now looking for a way to escape the UAC complex. After your battle though the T-Lab complex you made your way into the Refueling Station only to find out that once again you are not alone. This version of kaiser_2d3 supports the Resurrection of Evil expansion for Doom3 as well as a few fixes in monster placement. ------------ Warning ------------ This map isn\'t for everyone. The theme of this map is non-stop killing and those who never played the oringinal Doom games may not feel right at home here. I\'ve done everything I can to balance everything to make the gameplay enjoyable. Many beta testers have played this map and most of them never had any problems with the gameplay. Again there are some really huge fights in the end of this map and some may find it too difficult, even though there are plenty of items to keep the gameplay fair. I really suggest starting on the lowest difficulty setting when first playing this map.
The Refueling Station supplies fuel and other valuable materials for Alpha Lab\'s Hydrocon and the Monorail. Waste products from Recycling Sector 2 are also transfered here for conversion into
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