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DOOM 3: Apocalypse - The First Wave

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-09-03 00:09:00
5 просмотров
Revenant, Archvile etc...). Marines get to buy guns and equipment. The objective of the game is to complete your team's objective, which is map based. There are four main game scenarios: - [b]Lockdown[/b]: the marines must defend an area and prevent any demons get past their barricade. - [b]Objective[/b]: the marines must complete a series of map specific objectives (eg. turn on the power, release a distress signal) - [b]Capture the Artifact[/b]: both teams must capture the artifact and return it to their base. - [b]Evacuation[/b]: the marines must evacuate a minimum number of hapless civilians. The demons must stop them.
This is the first alpha release of Doom 3: Apocalypse, a multiplayer only team based mod. There are two teams, Marines and Demons. Demons will be able to choose from various forms (Imp, Shade,
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