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DungeonDOOM XP

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-08-06 00:08:00
7 просмотров
randomly placed monsters. The strength of enemies increases the deeper you descend. Exits are blocked by pentagrams until all enemies have been spawned - Three player classes: Fighter, Psi-Fighter and Supernatural with varying abilities to wield weapons and/or use magical skills. - Three different difficulty settings with variations in light level, trap visibility, enemy toughness and enemy behavior. - Three different game length settings starting with a 20 level quickgame, a 50 level medium game and a lengthy 100 level long gameplay mode. Enemy difficulty increases faster in quicker games. - 10 different magical spells with 3 different skill levels each. - Fighters can use experience to improve weapon usage. - Ammunition, Potions, Scrolls and various light sources are available in shops. - Special enemy capabilities, including paralyzing, blinding, poisoning, teleporting and invisibility. - Traps which cause damage, status effects or Level transitions (Trapdoors). - Magically summoned pet pinky (credits to tinman). - Refreshment fountains to replenish health or mana. - Hidden Doors, which are activated by secret buttons open passages and rooms containing tougher enemies and/or special chests. -------------- Changes: -------------- - Now Linux-compatible (thanks to RIP) - Removed the long gameplay variant, which was not fully functional due to a bug. The short gameplay variant is recomended. - Fixed a bug leading to crashes if petpinky was spawned outside the main dungeon. - Fixed a bug associated with entering the dungeon after using the teleporter.
DungeonDoom is a rogue-like Doom 3 modification, which sets up a pseudorandom maze including enemies. ------------- Features: ------------- - 20-100 randomly generated maze levels with
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