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DungeonDOOM XP

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-06-04 00:06:00
8 просмотров
randomly placed monsters. The strength of enemies increases the deeper you descend. Exits are blocked by pentagrams until all enemies have been spawned - Three player classes: Fighter, Psi-Fighter and Supernatural with varying abilities to wield weapons and/or use magical skills. - Three different difficulty settings with variations in light level, trap visibility, enemy toughness and enemy behavior. - Three different game length settings starting with a 20 level quickgame, a 50 level medium game and a lengthy 100 level long gameplay mode. Enemy difficulty increases faster in quicker games. - 10 different magical spells with 3 different skill levels each. - Fighters can use experience to improve weapon usage. - Ammunition, Potions, Scrolls and various light sources are available in shops. - Special enemy capabilities, including paralyzing, blinding, poisoning, teleporting and invisibility. - Traps which cause damage, status effects or Level transitions (Trapdoors). - Magically summoned pet pinky (credits to tinman). - Refreshment fountains to replenish health or mana. - Hidden Doors, which are activated by secret buttons open passages and rooms containing tougher enemies and/or special chests. -------------- Changes: -------------- - Ability system for fighters. Weapon efficiency is increased by selecting abilities after level advance. - Selectable game length. In the shorter gametypes, enemy difficulty increases quicker making for a less repetitive and more challenging game. - True random generation of dungeons and enemy/trap placement. Everytime you start a new game the dungeon is generated new. Still, identical dungeon maps are generated by repeated visits to the same dungeonlevel within a game session. - ROE version includes ROE enemies. - Advanced lighting effects. Remember to use torches or lanterns to illuminate the dungeon. Ambient light level is dependent on the selected difficulty level with most light available in "easy" setting.
DungeonDoom is a rogue-like Doom 3 modification, which sets up a pseudorandom maze including enemies. ------------- Features: ------------- - 20-100 randomly generated maze levels with
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