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Doom III
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DOOM Chronicles: Chapter One Beta 2

DOOM Chronicles: Chapter One Beta 2

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-10-12 22:10:00
6 просмотров
well as four new multiplayer DC maps, which all take advantage of the new sniper rifle. Also we have included bug fixes and tweaks, which are listed below. ---------------- New Maps: ---------------- DC Hopeless | Small tournament style map for very fast action. DC LostCause | Medium to large map based indoors and in caves, with many sniping positions. DC Roost | Conversion of {DHC} Roost for Soldier of Fortune 2. It is a very open cave map, built for fast paced action. DC SniperTest | Started as a testing map for our sniper rifle, and was built out to be a fun playable arena. An Anti-camp button has been placed in the center of the map for your convenience. -------------- Changes: -------------- Multiplayer: - Controls for Alt-Fire and Fire-Mode can now be set in MP GUI - Zoom can now be set to be momentary or toggle through the MP GUI - Shotgun Alt-Fire has been limited in MP to 2 shots per clip, to stop spamming and lag - Shotgun fire in Double-Shot and Full-Auto mode may not be audible in MP if fired by another player. - Shotgun Pellet load has been changed to help with Lag in MP - Plasmagun clip size in MP has been increased to 50 - Plasmagun shots may not be heard by other players at times - Due to D3's Net Code, there are some issues with mp. Sometimes, if the PING gets high, particles will stop showing. Also, in general, mp can sometimes have lag. We have found though, that our included maps run extremely smooth. With few exceptions, we have experienced no lag here. Others: - New Mainmenu screen - There is an odd bug that occurs when you load a saved game. You may or may not notice it... It effects your ammo.... ** Not any more! This bug has been fixed. - Sometimes, Moveables act strangely.... ** Still work to be done on D3's Physics - You may or may not see this one... But sometimes, zombies don't gib right.... They'll just "dissapear"... ** Happens in Vanilla game too... Something to do with gibbing more than one zombie at the same time. - This really isn't a bug.... The Gravity Gun needs a MUCH better skin... We had to leave it as is, though... that, or delay the release of the Demo :( ** A new one is in the works... Hopefully will be finished soon. - In the gun room, dont call a monster while holding an object. - Squad may crash if they fight to get through a door - if you see this about to happen, kill 1 of them. ** This issue, we believe, has been fixed. If you experience it, however, please tell us. If you find any more bugs, please report them.... Post anything you find [url="http://www.doomchronicles.com/phpBB2"]on our forums[/url] or if you prefer, you may [url="mailto:Cody_b64@hotmail.com"]email them to us[/url]. ** Please, if you are reporting a bug and are able to, take a screenshot of the bug to send; this would be greatly appreciated **
This patch will bring DoomChroniclesDemo_v2 up to version 2.1. It is compatible with both the Windows and Mac versions of DoomChroniclesDemo_v2. Included in this patch is our new sniper rifle, as
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