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Q3E Minimizer

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-11-19 23:11:00
11 просмотров
reason I made this was because I was tired of having to spectate, or suffer being killed over and over again as I used Alt-Enter to switch to my desktop which took practically forever so I could answer MSN or ICQ. -------------- Changes: -------------- - Fixed a bug where if you closed a game, then opened it again, you\'d get an error message saying that the maximize hotkey had already been registered. (Not actually bad, but started to annoy the heck out of me ;P) - Fixed a bug where trying to swap the hotkeys (or make both fields the same set of hotkeys) when a game was active wouldn\'t work, and would cause invalid hotkey entries. - Fixed a bug where if the game was minimized through the \'Minimize if game loses focus\' checkbox, the active window would keep switching to the desktop every few seconds. (Very very annoying :P) - Fixed an error where if the DSM was used in conjunction with the \'Minimize if game loses focus\' checkbox, the resolution wouldn\'t change. - Fixed a small glitch where there was a delay in the hotkeys working if new ones were set while a game was active. - Fixed a few loose odds and ends around the menus and added a few more error checking functions. NB: I also discovered what I\'m pretty sure is the main cause for the ATi Card dark gamma issue. See the addendum in the trouble-shooting section below.
Q3E, or Quake 3 Engine Minimizer is a program that has been created to give you the ability to quickly and easily minimize nearly every game that has been coded using the Q3 engine as a base. The
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