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Argas Effect Act 1

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-04-05 22:04:00
13 просмотров
While in orbit something or someone has attacked and killed my crew. I am the only survivor on board the Enterprise. Who or what has done this? Why was I spared? And what awaits me on the planet surface?\" SpaceStation K7 is proud to announce the release of Act 1 of the single player modification for Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force entitled The Argas Effect. This is the first act of 3 in this modification for EF1 and is the first single player mod and first person shooter dedicated entirely to The Original Series. Explore the Enterprise and see familiar faces from the series. Experience what it feels like to be Captain Kirk alone against an unknown danger. Make a difference....Solve the mystery.[/quote] What? Still there? Look, it\'s probably the best SP mod ever made on EF1... So? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING? DOWNLOAD! Sad note : Doesn\'t work on mac. PC only.
[quote]\"Captain\'s Log, Stardate 6097.2, The Enterprise is on a diplomatic mission to Argas V. The Federation has sent an ambassador there to assist in their membership application to join the UFP.
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