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Elite Force
Starfleet Tournament Weapons Preview

Starfleet Tournament Weapons Preview

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-01-13 23:01:00
16 просмотров
Starfleet. Starships wanting to participate in the games send teams to represent them, selecting the most athletic and physically fit members of their crews. The tournament is divided into two separate competitions. The first competition pits starship crews against each other in a series of events, including 1-on-1 deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag. Losing teams are eliminated and winning teams advance up the ladder, with the top three performing teams winning tournament trophies for first, second, and third places. The second competition pits teams representing homeworlds against each other. Each homeworld team consists of the top five most valuable players of each race, based on their performance during the first competition. The Earth team consists of the top five Human MVP\'s, the Vulcan team consists of the five top Vulcan MVP\'s, the Andor team consists of the top five Andorian MVP\'s, and so on. As in the first competition, the top three performing teams win tournament trophies. This preview pak includes three of the new weapons used in the tournament. The full mod includes fifteen new weapons (including Vulcan and Andorian weapons), three teams of gladiators (Human, Vulcan, and Andorian), and makes several changes to holomatch.[/quote]
[quote]This is a preview pak of my upcoming Starfleet Tournament mod. Starfleet Tournament is an intramural competition held annually by Starfleet. All participants in the competition are members of
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