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EF Holomatch Engine

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-07-22 22:07:00
14 просмотров
been eradicated with my newest release, version 1.35. For Linux, I have built a Loki installer that handles the install similarly to id\'s official quake3 point release installer and includes both, 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Also, thanks to Brian Shaffer (aka Shafe) there now is a Windows installer that handles most of the installation for our Windows users. As a special bonbon, the UI now features Thomas Sahling\'s (aka Lt. Cmdr. Salinga, who also created the popular Gladiator and Pinball mod) EF LCARS patch that improves a few aspects of the UI. Thanks to Lt_Cmdr_Salinga for providing the source.[/quote]
This is the Linux version of the EF Holomatch Engine that was released yesterday. [quote]Since my last release of the updated EliteForce Holomatch engine there were several bugs found that have
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