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Q3E Minimizer

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-12-02 23:12:00
9 просмотров
icons for SoF2 SP and MP so they have much better quality. [*]Now additionally supports these games: * Call of Duty (SP) * Call of Duty (MP) * Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K² (Thanks goes to Oomjan and Flying Fool for sending me the details to integrate these games!)[/list]This latest version now supports 10 games! (including EF1 and EF2). The program works very well and is incredibly easy to use! For the next version, what about adding an \"auto run\" feature (can turn it on/off), so that it runs when the computer starts up? I hate it when I\'m in-game and realize I forgot to turn it on :p If you need a way to get in/out of games without any problems, then you really need this file.
[b]Updates:[/b][list][*]At the criticism of one of the admins at jk2files.com, I have now removed the prompt you get when quitting Q3E Minimizer whilst a game is active. [*]I also redid the offline
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