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AJ Reskin Pack 1.0

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-08-30 00:08:00
3 просмотра
Variations -Wookiee Variations -Chiss Units -Mon Calamari Cruiser Variations -Dani (Hero Unit) -Darth Maul (Hero Unit) -Ziro the Hutt (Hero Unit) -And More! This download is perfect for all modders to add some variety to their mods or simply a new unit. I look forward to seeing these re-skins in some upcoming mods. [Quote] I'm here with my first reskin pack which includes an assortment of unit reskins from Indigenous units to Military units. You can find a more detailed list below. I hope you enjoy this reskin pack, and stay tuned for reskin pack #2 Please note that this is not a mod, modding experience is required to put the units in to game. However, I already hexedited almost all of the reskins for your modding convenience. [/Quote]
AJ Reskin Pack 1.0 is a pack of reskins for the Empire at War game. The pack contains skins such as: -Hutt Variations -Mon Calamari Variations -Neimoidians -Rebel Pilot Variations -Twi'lek
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