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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2008-11-08 23:11:00
5 просмотров
first map developed and released for your gaming pleasure by maggot6969! Prepare for some 'shoot-em-up' fun with this download! Cortez (v1.0) is all about urban warfare...there is not much in the way of wide-open action here, rather, it centers around CQB, or Close Quarter Combat, where, if you are the type to keep on the move, you will find the enemy when you round a corner and [i]bump[/i] into him...or worse, them! This map will definitely force you to move slowly and take your time...checking each and every window and/or room before moving on. While outside, beware of the snipers that may be sighting you in, they are sure to be a source of aggravation! Stealth, cover and concealment are what this map is about...devise your tactics and work as a team! Good luck! Although, some of the building textures don't quite fit, they appear to lack the 3D look, this is an excellent first try, and I look forward to seeing more content from this developer! On a side note, maggot6969 is also looking to start up a modding team, he asks that if you're interested, to drop him an email, he has provided it in the readme. I wish him luck and hope he gets some interested replies. refer to the readme for more information.
Are you ready for some seriously intense [b]Far Cry 2[/b] action? If you replied with a resounding [i]YES[/i], then you are in the right place! [i]FarCry2Files[/i] is here to present you with the
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