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Desert Town

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-04-02 00:04:00
15 просмотров
and later given up. In its early days it was an rescuing island of civilization for lonesome voyagers and the caravanes traveling cross-country. But sometime, the pulsing metro pole was left by the colonialists and grow lonely in the hot sun of the desert. Then, in the late years of the 20th century, it was discovered by the the United Front for Liberation and Lab our, also known as UFLL, on the search for food and civilization in the northern desert. In the following years, they managed to rebuild the town for their aims and settled down there. Now a problem is coming up: This morning troups of the Alliance for Popular Resistance (APR)landed in the harbor of our desert town to capture it and settle down there. Its up to you, which side you decide for, which alliance will control the town.
This is my first map I upload here, its name is Desert Town and a small map containing a little town located at the Mediterranean sea in the northern Sahara. It was founded by British colonialists
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