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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2008-06-01 22:06:00
12 просмотров
previous releases, rll_Jackal comes complete with an engaging back story that sets the tone for some serious [b]Far Cry[/b] action! The story of this map begins In the 16th century an evil tyrant had put the inhabitants of Macry Island through unspeakable horrors. The people of the island revolted against this tyrant and the villagers over took him and hid his remains through out the Island. When the Mercs took over the Island they found some of the remains...The more remains they found, the more they were taken over by evil.... [b]The developer has provided some tips to improve your survival:[/b] Try not to blow up any vehicles. There are many high impact objects in this game,they may not hurt you but blowing you 100 ft. in the air might. There are different water levels on the map the river that winds through the Island is shallow, if you travel it you must stay in the center if you touch the sides your boat could get hung up and become useless. The Mercs are more cunning and dangerous due to a new AI controller don't let your guard down. You can totally explore the map but try to remember where your life and supplies are incase you need to go back and get them. Most objectives have many explosive objects so be carefull what you shoot at. Try to get to high places you could fine other locations easier. Use a pen and paper to write down the clues you may want to even draw the map. Use the tab key it will show you the remains you have found. Somethings may not be as they appear. Your mission, should you choose to except it, is to find the clues and get the nine pieces of the Tyrant's remains. Each piece will unlock one of the nine doors; When you have all the pieces you will be able to get into the Tyrant's domain. Some pieces the Mercs have found, some the mutants have found and some [i]'who knows where they are'[/i]. There are 20 objectives in total, however, it doesn't matter what order you do them in. You must explore the Island and the ocean as well. Refer to the readme for more information.
We have a treat for you today...Robin has been hard at work and now that he has finished his latest Single Player map, he has submitted it for your Far Cry gaming enjoyment! As with his popular
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