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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Secret Elements of Mercry

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-09-15 22:09:00
13 просмотров
his maps, this one comes with an engaging back story; Secret Elements of Mercry starts six billion years ago, when the Earth was formed and the last molten impact occurred...which is still evident today. The crater from this impact surrounds the tropical island of Mercry, which is now used as a mercenary strong hold. However, the use of this island comes with a price...Merc transmissions have been intercepted and there is trouble throughout the island. There are reports flooding in of to many deaths, unexplained accidents, and disappearances...this has got the Mercs jumpy. The last transmission made was an order to go under total lockdown. Protect yourselves the best you can and shoot anything that moves! The island of Mercry is believed to be the origin of the mythology known as FarCry. A legend of a war waged between man and monsters for years. [list][b]The developer has supplied some tips for a successful mission:[/b] [*]Radar only shows the final entrance. [*]Do not use vehicals. They're more trouble then they are worth. [*]Use the jungle paths as much as possible. [*]You must collect ten elements. Each elements will take out one of the ten gates to the final enterance. [*]Save one of the gun boats in the bay to get to the gates. [*]Some saves are before objectives, some are after. [/list] Your mission, if you choose to except it, is to find out the truth of FarCry. Was it a hoax made up by intelligent scientific evildoers or is it a missing link to our own savage past? You will have to decide after you get the the ten elements that will complete your mission. Refer to the readme for more information, and good luck!
Back to [i]wow[/i] the masses with his newest map designed to feed the appetite of the action-hungry [b]Far Cry[/b] gamer, Robin has arrived! This is his latest Single Player map, and as with all of
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