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Far Cry
Fists Of Fury + Fists Of Fury: OverClocked Edition

Fists Of Fury + Fists Of Fury: OverClocked Edition

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-01-21 23:01:00
9 просмотров
Machete! ;) [quote]This mod has been tested with FarCry V1.3 This mod allows you to use your fists instead of the machete, which allows for some close combat melee action. Just select Fists Of Fury from the mod menu and your ready to go. If you want some extreme over the top melee action then select \"Fists Of Fury: OverClocked Edition\" from the mod menu. This makes an instant kill to anyone you punch and it sends then flying backwards several hundereds of feet. (Crouch by your target and look up slightly for best effect) Send your enemies flying over the horizon!. You must find and collect a machete to be able to use your fists first. :( Sorry. There is one located at the beginning of the game where you first emerge out of the cave. There is a machete in one of the huts. BTW you throw one punch for everytime you click the mouse button so repeatedly click the mouse button really quickly to throw massive amounts of punches quickly!. [/quote]
This is a great mod that let you use your fists instead of the machete. When the fists is equipped, you will run alot faster and therefore it will be alot more fun to use Fist\'s instead of a
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