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Old Republic Temple

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-10 00:07:00
7 просмотров
really captured that vast glorious feeling. I decided to make a map with strong focus on architecture, yet with more varied fighting grounds than my last map. All areas are accessible with no force, and you can jump around among the rocks outside the temple, but a faulty step will quickly lead to your death.[/quote] As the Author said, every place in the map is made accessible to the player. Watch out on those rocks though, sometime you can slip and fall }>. The temple certainly looks magnificent sitting in the middle of a rocky area. There is plenty of space all around for saber fighting. There are also two elevators that take you to the roof of the temple. Cool map, must check it out!
From the Author: [quote]For my next map I wanted to do something completely different than my first, Imperial duel turbine. I\'ve seen some different variations on jedi temples, but none of them
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