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Battle Facility #2

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-23 22:04:00
13 просмотров
is one of my favourites out of all the maps Sir_Ryan has made. What we have here is a simple, effective FFA map. There is no detail here, this is a pure and simple FFA map, for hardcore players. I have said many times before that I would like to see some more detail, preferably architectural detail in Sir_Ryan’s maps, but I do understand that for the proper hardcore FFA players, the less there is to distract you during a game, the better. Here we have a map, which is pretty big and has multiple levels and various different structures to use. Personally, this reminds me of that level out of Mirrors Edge (fantastic game!), y’know the one where you find Project Icarus and the bug ‘runner training area’ where you have to escape from those guys with the shock guns. This means that the map is excellent for both guns and sabers FFA training and matches. There is more than enough room in this map for a full sized FFA without it getting too cramped. As well as the outside areas, there are also some corridors that run through various structures in the map, making for interest indoors gameplay. As for improvements… well like I have said before, I would like to see some more detail in Sir_Ryans maps, perhaps some pipes or pillars / supports for the ceiling. Nothing too over the top so as not to distract those hardcore FFA’ers, just a little extra detail to add some more flavour to the map. I also think using a greater variety of textures would look good as well. And of course, I definitely think this map needs some music! So, lets round up a few pro’s and con’s: [b]Pro’s[/b] [*]Large enough for a full sized guns or sabers FFA. [*]Good layout and interesting features make this a great map to FFA on. [*]Both inside and outside areas. [*]Simple but effective construction. [b]Con’s[/b] [*]Could do with some more detail, even if it is only a little bit more. [*]Could do with more variation in texturing. [*]Needs some music! [*]Lighting needs some more work. Overall I think this is an excellent for hardcore FFA’ers, but I also think it could do with some extra details and features to please the rest of us, more casual players. I definitely think this is worth a download though if you love to FFA, or if you are looking for a good map to practice your own or your clan’s FFA skills on! :) [b]Bot Support:[/b] Yes [b]New Textures:[/b] No [b]New Sounds:[/b] No [b]New Music:[/b] No [b]Game Types:[/b] FFA, TFFA ~Nozyspy~
Sir_Ryan is certainly one heck of a fast mapper! I think this is the second map of his that I have reviewed in as many weeks! Personally though I am glad to be reviewing this map, because I think it
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