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Battle Facility v3

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-11 23:12:00
5 просмотров
JK2 yet. :) A while back I reviewed the previous version of this map and thought that it was pretty good, so what changes have been made this time around? Well the general layout of the map seems to be pretty much the same as it was before, but there are now more objects in the map to provide cover, such as stacks of crates. Since the name of the map is ‘Battle Facility’ and it is designed to be used for an FFA, these additions are I think a good idea as they provide a more challenging environment. All the original features are still here, including the small bunkers and the very big platform and walkways that dominate the center of the map, as are the curious pyramidal shaped features. To be honest I am not exactly sure what these are for, perhaps some kind of obstacle course type area? Whatever they are, I think they look kinda cool. ;) Perhaps the biggest change has been to the walls surrounding the map, which now look a lot less flat and I think look much better than they did before, so good work there mate! All in all I like the changes to this map, it has been polished up some more without loosing the simple and clean feel of the original map and thus I would still recommend this map as an excellent map for a medium sized FFA or TFFA. Unfortunately though, there is no music, as the custom music that it seems that map was supposed to use (judging from the ‘music missing’ error message that pops up when you load the map) wasn’t been included in the .pk3. Other than that though this is a solid map all round. If you like the look of it, or need a good map for some FFA practice, then give this a download! [b]Bot Support:[/b] Yes [b]New Textures:[/b] No [b]New Sounds:[/b] No [b]New Music:[/b] No [b]Game Types:[/b] FFA, TFFA ~Nozyspy~
To be honest, I have been very surprised at the amount of maps that we have had submitted for JK2 over the last couple of weeks. Pleasantly surprised of course! Its good to see that there is life in
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