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Bespin Streets 2

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-08-01 22:08:00
6 просмотров
areas and it is well balanced for an FFA map. And it is Bespin, which is to JK2 what Tatooine was to JKA, the most popular theme and location for a map. Added together all these things make a really good FFA map. So how do you improve on that? Well many people have tried over the years, FFA Bespin has been a popular map to remake and there are various versions out there. Here we have the latest work from Programmer_beta AKA DarthShoot, named FFA Bespin 2. So, how different is this to the original FFA map? Well, it is [i]very[/i] different, yet at the same time very similar. As you can see from the screenshots below, the layout is quite a lot different, but at the same time it retains the core features of the original, such as the bridges, and the style of some of the buildings. There are many new inside areas where you can do battle, but unfortunately the landing pad area has been removed, so this map is actually quite a bit smaller than the original. To be honest, I'm not sure I would call this FFA Bespin 2 since it is just too different from the original to be a sequel or successor. But, it is a cool map in its own right, with some good architecture and texturing and a good layout for the new areas. There are a few things I would like to see improved though for next time around, the main one being the size. It just feels too small and closed in compared to the original FFA Bespin, perhaps adding another area along the lines of the landing pad area in the original would be a good idea, just to open the map up a bit more. Other than that I would say just to work a little more on some of the architecture, it looks like you used brushes for some of the arches, but its better to use patches in these areas, since it gives more of the flowing lines that Bespin is renowned for. All in all though a cool map here, its nice to see a new take on an old classic! Keep up the good work mate, I look forward to seeing more from you! (Hopefully some new versions of other classic JK2 maps too! :)) [b]Bot Support:[/b] Yes [b]New Textures:[/b] No [b]New Sounds:[/b] No [b]New Music:[/b] No [b]Game Types:[/b] FFA, Holocron FFA, Jedi Master ~Nozyspy~
If I had to choose one multiplayer map from JK2 that I thought was the most popular, then I would have to pick FFA Bespin. Its just such a great map, it's a good size, it has plenty of different
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