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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Carbon Freeze

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-10 00:07:00
9 просмотров
enemy, but also fight yourself from falling down :p The map still has some textural glitches plus a bug mentioned in the readme, however, consider this a beta as it was rendered for LivingDeadJedi by the fine folks at Ravensoft because the SDK / JO Radiant isn't out yet, so this does not allow a mapper to fully optimize a map. Nonetheless a great map and a must have! Be sure to also get the final when it gets unleashed! I posted 16 screenies if you're not convinced yet. Oh and congratz to LivingDeadJedi for being the first person to release a Multiplayer level! You may have 1 :beer:'s now! (or more) [b]Note:[/b] I did not RATE this map yet as it is a beta and a newer version will be out once the SDK hits the scene! I did however take 80 screenshots (yeah I tend to overdo it) and you can find them if you scroll down a bit! Enjoy! [b]And some final notes from the author:[/b] [quote]This map will be part of a MUCH bigger cloud city map later this year with a falcon you can walk inside (which ive seen by the way =]) which is being made by my friend [XG]Darth Vader OH TRY TO BREAK WINDOW IN ERM WINDOW ROOM LOL one that breaks it gets a surprise HEHEHE[/quote]Check the readme for additional info, known bugs, credits and installation instructions! Be sure to tell us what you think by posting in the comments and by rating this map (near the top of the page)! [b]Inside Shots:[/b] [b]Let's take this outside![/b]
This awesome map is a JK2 conversion from an Elite Force map by LivingDeadJedi himself! This map is perfect for some saber duel lovin' because of the walkways that make you not only fight your
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