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Cool Cool Mountain

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-12-03 23:12:00
3 просмотра
64 -- is a fairly good representation of the original location. Unlike his last Mario 64 map this one is cell shaded. It\'s also a bit slippery, so make sure not to accidentally fall off the map like I did! I think my favorite part of this map is probably the trees, and I was pleased to see more than just a couple of them. They just look so... cute! The cannons are also a nice touch, although after multiple tests I didn\'t get either of them launching me anywhere close to where (I assume) they were meant to. The slippery ground I mentioned earlier will keep you on your toes. Don\'t worry too much, though. I had to [i]try[/i] to fall off the map, and falling to lower \'levels\' won\'t do fall damage. Keep an eye out for weapon pickups, because if your opponents are too smart to kill them[i]selves[/i] you may have to blast them off the mountain. My biggest [i]complaint[/i] with this map, other than the seemingly untuned cannons, is that, while the cel shader looks [i]very[/i] nice for the most part, it can occasionally be seen peeking up at the edges of connecting brushes where it really shouldn\'t be seen. Maybe unavoidable, maybe not. Certainly something of an annoyance, since it\'s fairly noticeable. Other than that, though, a perfect map for N64 enthusiasts. So if you can stand that overly cheery Mario music, give it a download. If you [i]can\'t[/i], well.... turn the music off. :) [b]Bot Support[/b]: No [b]New Models[/b]: No [b]New Textures[/b]: Yes [b]New Music[/b]: Yes [b]Game Mods[/b]: duel, free for all, team free for all ~Inyri
While I contest the author\'s claims in the read-me (I grew up in the 90\'s with an SNES, which is arguably much better than the N64), the map he\'s produced -- namely Cool Cool Mountain from Mario
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