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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2009-03-04 23:03:00
7 просмотров
means, but oh well. It sounds cool regardless, and that’s the important thing, isn’t it? :P This map is made up of several large areas connected by teleporters, this does have its disadvantages which I will come to later, but first lets have an overview of the map. From what I explored, it looks like the map is made up of six or more different areas; two of them are in what look like snowy areas, although there are tropical trees growing there… o.O There is a somewhat Yavin themed area based around a landing pad, a small ship interior, a medium sized room which seems to serve as a teleporter hub and my favourite bit; a very large open area with many walkways and platforms which definitely looks like something from Bespin. All the areas, except for the ship interior and the teleporter hub room are of sufficient size to have a pretty big FFA in, and each area has different types of environments to fight in. As I said above, the Bespin themed area with the many walkways and platforms was my favourite, I think the author captured the essence and feeling of Bespin very well here and I think it would make a great place to either have an FFA or a Duel in. Obviously you have to be careful not to fall off the edge! Now, as I said at the start, there are some disadvantages with the teleporter system and also a few things that need to be worked on. The main disadvantage of the teleporter system that I found was that it is easy to get lost. The teleporters are not always obvious, sometimes being a doorway, or in the case of the ship interior you need to walk up to one of the chairs. Also, the teleporters on the ship don’t take you to the same place every time, so it is difficult getting to where you want to go. I think a good idea would be to make the teleporters more obvious, maybe adding a sign near them telling you where that particular teleporter takes you in the map. Lastly, I think the snowy areas particularly need some more work. Whilst the rows of trees look nice, they are tropical trees and don’t really fit with the theme. Also the mountains around the edge of these areas need some more work, as they are very sharp and spiky looking. I definitely think they should be smoothed down a bit to make them look more natural. Besides those things though, a decent map here. I look forward to seeing more of your work KungFuPanda! :) [b]Bot Support:[/b] No [b]New Textures:[/b] Yes [b]New Sounds:[/b] No [b]New Music:[/b] Yes [b]Game Types:[/b] FFA, Duel ~Nozyspy~
Y’know, I’m sure I’ve heard the word ‘Quadrion’ before, but I cannot for the life of me remember where… a quick Google search didn’t bring up anything which would shed some light on what the word
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