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Jedi Knight II
Diablo II Barbarian Version 2.0

Diablo II Barbarian Version 2.0

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-07-16 00:07:00
8 просмотров
were added as well as team support, the shoulder gear and skirt change to the color of their respective team. The model looks a lot better then the original release and looks as close as it is going to the original model from Diablo 2. There is still a slight clipping problem in certain areas but hey no one is perfect. In the readme the author mentions a possible update to the team versions in the near future. This model is just like the rest of the author’s models; they are great and deliver the goods. Great job as usual, I can’t wait to see more of you great models :). Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: Yes Maddog Below is the review of the original file: [quote]Better than decent, it\'s cool!!! I noticed only small clipping bits and seam leaks, the model is just amazing, the skin could have been a little more detailed but it\'s not bad. Something different from what you normally see out there Bot Support: Yes CTF/CTY Support: Yes/No (Team colours are the same ) New Sounds: Yes LODs: ??[/quote]
Kevin Coyle brings us an update to his first model he made for JK2. Diablo II Barbarian Version 2.0 fixes a lot of the skin and model clipping errors with a more detailed model and skins. New taunts
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