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Final Fantasy X - Auron v1.0

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-04-08 00:04:00
8 просмотров
a picture to compare it to this model that was based off of Kyle. All I can say is ... wow. This is a very impressive model considering how much detail there is on the character. If you look at the third screenshot there, you\'ll see that I took pics of the sides of the model as well. The author even included that jug at the side that\'s being held by a colorful beaded string. The clothes seems to be perfect and the face, hair, glasses ... all of it seems to be included. And the author didn\'t leave out the other extras either. There\'s bot support, of course. And the team skins are just the default for red and then a blue version. And there are a bunch of new sounds. This is a great JK2 model of an FF character, even though the look is a bit cluttered and busy. Good job! :) Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: Yes ~AmosMagee
As I have often admitted, I know nothing about Final Fantasy. Even though I\'m recently quite addicted to FFXI. ;) So there\'s this guy in FFX named Auron, apparently. So I Googled the name and found
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