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Blood-Merk Skinpack

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-07-30 00:07:00
10 просмотров
off really nice - and the BloodMerk-5 skin is the same, albeit without said Shader. Unfortunately, Merk-4 is the only one who has team colors, but it\'s not really noticeable (as I said, Merk-5 has red armor, and looks exactly like Merk-4). All in all, it\'s a good reskin of the reborn. It\'s a little wierd, and also a little original, which is good. It\'s good for breaking the mold of reborn reskins we have seen lately, and does its job. However, my main problem is the fact that it is still a reborn reskin ^_^. Great job, looking forward to the hoodless version you mentioned! - Chrono
Sithrouge brings us a very nice departure from the reborns, BloodMerk. It comes with 2 variations, 4 and 5. BloodMerk-4 has a very nice usage of Lee Wright\'s Chrome Shader for his armor. It comes
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