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Leela Jedi

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-02-06 00:02:00
6 просмотров
female for the game. Leela has more hairstyles and clothing options than any female model before her. The default skins for her are perfect for a Jedi, I suppose, but they are kinda boring. The team skins are fine, though I don\'t like that they colored her eyes red for the red skin. Also, there\'s a cloaked version of the default skin. I didn\'t take screenshots of the other available options, because there were no skins made for them. But the author has also included a miniskirt and a dress option. The dress is ... interesting. I can\'t imagine running around with a saber in a ballgown, but hey ... at least we have that option now! Yay for more female skins! I really can\'t wait to see what reskins come from this Leela. I love all of her hairstyles, especially the short hair style (default). There\'s also the ponytail and long hair styles. They all work really well for this model. The only complaints I have are that Leela has no custom sounds! I suppose that\'s okay though. She seems more like a blank canvas for reskinning than anything else. So if you reskin her - give her some custom sounds! Also, there\'s a seam there at her neck. I don\'t know if that\'s the model, or the skin ... or what. I don\'t know if it can be fixed even - I hope so. That really does bug me. But this is a great model and as I said before, I can\'t wait to see the reskins - especially the skin that\'s being made for me from this model! :D Yay! Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: No ~AmosMagee
Leela Jedi is, finally, one of the best and most versatile female models made for the JK games yet. Antizac picked a few of the best features from the two models Jan and Tavion and created his own
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