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Anakin Skywalker

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-12-29 00:12:00
12 просмотров
Now, when I tested the model at the resolution I play at, the nose was a bit angular, but it still looked amazing. The team skins are as you'd expect, so I didn't take screens of 'em. You may recognize the author's name because he's also the creator of the Diablo Barbarian model, the Old Ben model and Londo (from B5). All of those models were just as impressive as his newest submission. There is bot support included and several taunts to choose from. If you're looking for a model to add to your collection, this is definitely a must-download. This will probably be used by many people - so get it. Now. :D Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: Yes ~AmosMagee
Okay, before you decide that you've already seen an Anakin Skywalker model and you don't need to download this one - look at the screenshots. This is, by far, the most incredible model I've seen.
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