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Всего материалов:  193

Menu ++ (English and German Versions)

Добавил: The DSystem
6 просмотров
A mod that adds a new menu to the setup screen ingame? What a great idea! I know that obviously with mod’s like Movie Battles and other similar ones, new menus are a must for all the new options and

Aussie Transparent Animated Flags

Добавил: The DSystem
5 просмотров
Ahh, it's great to be back isn't it? I thought for sure we'd all be doomed.. >_> Here we have the Australian flag.. wait, the aussie flag? Holy smokes. Anyways, the author decided to give the

Platinum Edition

Добавил: The DSystem
7 просмотров
I cant remember the last time I saw a good Menu mod for JK2, although then again, I do have a terrible memory sometimes. :P Here though we have a new mod for JK2 entitled ‘Platinum Edition’ which

Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight Hud

Добавил: The DSystem
7 просмотров
[quote]This file is version 1 of my df2 hud that i'm using for my df2mod. I will be changing things because i admit this is only small changes. It is decent for a hud in my opinion but nothing

Dark Forces 2 Cinematic-like blades

Добавил: The DSystem
7 просмотров
Here we have a new saber mod brought to us by Agent_Katarn. Basically what this does is change the default JK2 saber blades to look more like the saber blades from the Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight

DJ Stainz' Menu-Screen

Добавил: The DSystem
10 просмотров
Hello folks, I've got another menu screen mod for you all! This one looks pretty cool, but the name Stainz on it and the cursor kinda ruined it for me. Partly because I have no idea who this 'dj

Halo Menu-Screen

Добавил: The DSystem
10 просмотров
Like JK2? Like Halo? Wanna change the menu screen of JK2 to a Halo image? Well then, this mod's for you! It changes the menu screen of JK2 to a picture of Master Chief from Halo. It also changes

Bloody Dismemberment

Добавил: The DSystem
15 просмотров
Remember the [file=\"24545\"]Bloody Dismemberment mod[/file] for Jedi Academy? Now enthusiasts can have it for Jedi Outcast. Not that the JK3 version wouldn\'t have worked for Jedi Outcast, but this

Extra Music Changer

Добавил: The DSystem
9 просмотров
Hello again, ladies and gentlemen of the JK community! I have for you all another cool little mod. This one is for JK2, and it is a music changer. If you\'ve been sitting in a map, and getting

Tusken Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
9 просмотров
Hmm, I have to say, it sure didn't feel like this "greatly enhanced the gameplay of Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast". In fact, it's a mixed bag. On the plus side, it does replace a lot of the

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Всего материалов:  193