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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Jedi Knight II
Menu ++ (English and German Versions)

Menu ++ (English and German Versions)

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-21 22:04:00
6 просмотров
such that the mod introduces, but this is the first time I personally have seen a new menu mod made for the base JK2 game. This is a fairly small mod, but it does add quite a few new things that can be tweaked ingame. When I say ingame, I mean once you have actually gone [i]ingame[/i] since that is the only place this new menu is available from. You cannot access it through the main menu when you first start the game, which is a little confusing. Anyway, the new options that can be tweaked from this menu include changing the style of the crosshair, adding an FPS counter and a clock and also a lagometer display. There is also an option for optimizing your connection to the server you are on. Overall I think this is a great idea for a mod, and I would like to see more like this, although I do think it would be good id this menu was also available from the main menu screen when you start up JK2. If you guys want some more options to tweak ingame, then give this a download! :) ~Nozyspy~
A mod that adds a new menu to the setup screen ingame? What a great idea! I know that obviously with mod’s like Movie Battles and other similar ones, new menus are a must for all the new options and
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