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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Corellian MI2 Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-05-23 22:05:00
6 просмотров
set...I am quessing this was intentional? At any rate, the author says it best in this case. Quote: ------------------------------ This skin uses existing textures from the game to replace Kyle\'s single and multiplayer outfit with one that has a Corellian/Mission Impossible 2 special agent sort of feel to it, but still retains the feel of being Kyle\'s outfit. The result is a .pk3 file that is small in size (2 KB) and should not slow down the frame rate. This mod also replaces your default Kyle in multiplayer. Team colors for MP are included, which are the same as the red and blue single player versions. ------------------------------ Personal Notes: While I don\'t play the SP mode of the game any more, and never use kyle, this was none the less an interesting alternative to the standard and quite boring \"brown outfit\" version of Kyle. Nice work Patrick, always good to see a fellow helping his mates out. Bot Support: YES/NO (Kyle still?) Team Colors: YES/NO (Kyle still?) New Sounds: YES/NO (Kyle still or reborn?) ~LordWraith~
Voltar brings us a Kyle modification made for a friend of his. This uses textures already included with the game, and when testing I got soome reborns sounds seemingly mixed in with the default kyle
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